EYFS | Year 1 | Year 2 |
- Sign of the cross
- School prayer
- Our Father
- Hail Mary
- Morning and evening prayers (sung)
- Prayer before and after meals
- Simple responses at Mass – ‘And with your spirit’
- Prayer of thanks
| - Glory Be
- Act of Faith, Hope and Love
- Simple responses at Mass
- Grace at meals
- Prayers for the blessing of the Advent wreath
- Prayers used at Baptism
- Prayer to the Guardian Angel
- Five Finger Prayer – Mission Together
| - Act of Sorrow
- Act of Faith
- Act of Hope
- Mass responses
- Eternal Rest
- Prayer for Lent
- Simple examination of conscience
- Prayer for St Francis of Assisi
Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6 |
- The Angelus
- Act of Love
- Act of Sorrow
- Penitential Act
- Holy, holy, holy
| - The Memorare
- Prayer to the Guardian Angel
- Glory to God (Gloria)
- Lamb of God
| - The Mysteries of the Rosary
- The Magnificat
- Regina Caeli/Queen of Heaven
| - Prayer to the Holy Spirit
- Apostles Creed
- Benedictus
- Hail Holy Queen
- Litany of Saints
- Stations of the Cross
- Prayers for continents to be added from Mission together website after geography curriculum has been finalised – each class will have a geographical area / continent.
- General prayers for Advent and Lent are also included in the document listed below.