National Testing 2023
Baseline Assesments of our youngest children took place during their first six weeks at school.
National Curriculum Assessment tests also commonly known as SATs took place during May.
So in all, YR were assessed on entry to school, Year 1 took part in a phonics screen, Year 2 the end of KS1 (Key stage One) SATs, Year 4 the multiplication tables check and Y6 the end of KS2 SATs.
We are, as always, incredibly proud of our children and all that they have manged to achieve.
Key Stage 2 pupils take tests in:
Outcomes are reported as scaled scores ranging from 80-120. A scaled score of 100 is the expected standard. A scaled score of 110+ indicates that a child is “working at greater depth” (GD-higher standard).
Writing is based on teacher assessment and was this year moderated with the Local Authority.
Key stage 2 SATs % ARE | 2017/ 18 | 2018/ 19 | 2019 to ‘21 | 2022/ 23 | Targets ‘23 | Actual 23 | National |
Reading EXS | 93% | 90% | X | 80% | 87% | 70% | 73% |
Reading GDS | 37% | 38% | X | 37% | 33% | 33% |
Maths EXS | 93% | 97% | X | 90% | 90% | 90% | 73% |
Maths GDS | 20% | 48% | X | 43% | 33% | 37% |
Writing EXS | 90% | 97% | X | 100% | 87% | 83% | 71% |
Writing GDS | 20% | 17% | X | 17% | 20% | 10% |
GPaS EXS | 73% | 83% | X | 87% | 90% | 80% | 72% |
GPaS GDS | 23% | 41% | X | 43% | 37% | 43% |
Science EXS |
| 100% | 90% | 97% | 80% |
Combined |
| 73% |
| 67% | 59% |
Early Years Foundation Stage | 2023 National | 2023 Target | 2023 actual | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 |
GLD | 67.2% | 80% | 79% | 77% | X | X | 73% | 76% |
Literacy | 69.7% | 80% | 79% | 77% | X | X | 73% | 79% |
Maths | 77.1% | 80% | 83% | 77% | X | X | 83% | 83% |
Phonic screen for year one children.
Children in year one take part in a screen of their phonic knowledge at the end of the academic year. Usually June.
| National Average | % achieving threshold |
2023 | 79% | 90% |
2022 | 75% | 93% |
2021 | X | 90% tested in school (2019 paper) |
2020 | X | 87% taken in Y2 due to Covid (2019 paper) |
2019 | 82% | 90% |
2018 | 83% | 87% |
Key Stage One
Key stage one children sit tests in Maths and reading. Writing was this year moderated with the local authority.
% ARE | 2018/ 19 | 2019/ 20 | 2020/ 21 | 2021/ 22 | Targets ‘23 | Actual 23 | National |
Reading EXS | 90% | X | X | 83% | 90% | 80% | 68% |
Reading GDS | 31% | X | X | 40% | 27% | 30% |
Maths EXS | 93% | X | X | 80% | 90% | 90% | 70% |
Maths GDS | 28% | X | X | 27% | 27% | 27% |
Writing EXS | 86% | X | X | 80% | 87% | 83% | 60% |
Writing GDS | 24% | X | X | 13% | 24% | 17% |
Phonics screen | 4/5 80% | X | X |
| 3/3 100% |
Multiplication Tables Check Y4 |
The national curriculum expects all children to accurately recall the multiplication facts to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4.
Children who have mastered the times tables will be able to more effectively access Year 5 maths, such as further fractions work and more complex written calculations.
There is no ‘pass mark’ for the check and individual school results are not published nationally.
Tables Check Y4 | National | School ‘ 22 | School ‘ 23 |
25/25 | 27% | 37% | 43% |
20 or above | not published | 87% | 77% |
16 or above | 80% | 97% | 90% |