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Vision and Values

Our Mission statement was reviewed in the academic year 2022/2023 with all stakeholders involved in the process. This Mission statement came into effect in April 2023 and we feel better reflects our diverse school family.


School Mission Statement and Aims


'At St. Thomas' we create an atmosphere which is aspirational and where we celebrate our unity in Christ through our diversity.'


"I have come that they may have life and have it to the full" John 10:10



We are a Catholic School and we see it as our duty to educate our children to the best of our ability. 


We offer the best opportunities we can


  • for each child to fulfill his/her potential.
  • to value each child.
  • to instill a sense of worth in each child.
  • to guard the dignity of each child.


In common with all state schools we present and develop the National Curriculum.


We strive for academic progress and achievement for all pupils.


We are passionately concerned with the personal, social and pastoral development of the whole child.


In everything we do, we aim to reflect the Gospel Values.

Our Curriculum 

At St Thomas’ we reviewed our curriculum over two academic years. We took this time and the opportunity to establish if the curriculum continued to meet the needs of our school community.

We sought feedback from parents and pupils through questionnaires. The overwhelming response was to create a more relevant and exciting curriculum, which reflected the world in which we live. We wanted our curriculum to have RE at the centre and so all our planning reflected key values that permeated all areas of learning.

Our pupils will learn about and understand how they can make a difference to the world through their actions. Our strapline is ACT, which stands for Aspirational, Christ centred, Togetherness which we feel reflects our school family.

Our terms reflect liturgical seasons which you will see from the curriculum newsletters. 


We have linked learning across subjects wherever possible and built on skills and knowledge from previous years.

Our intention is that pupils will be more active and enthusiastic learners; they will be able to see how their learning builds year on year and they have the drive, interest and skills to follow their own lines of enquiry too so that in time pupils take more ownership of their learning.


Miss L D’Agostini



Catholic Tradition, Gospel and British Values.

At St. Thomas' Catholic Primary School we recognise the important role schools play in ensuring that pupils develop into ethical and responsible members of society. We expect our children to 'ACT' the St. Thomas' way, to be 'aspirational', 'Christ centred' and to work and play cooperatively, 'togetherness'. Gospel and British values form the basis of good citizenship so these values are taught explicitly through PSHE and RE as well as through our daily assemblies and whole school systems and structures, such as electing and running our School Council and House system. We also teach British values through planning and delivering a broad and balanced curriculum. Beyond the curriculum, through the ethos of the school, we expect pupils to uphold these values and give them responsibilities to further their understanding and put these values into practice.

Please see the information sheet below for all of the values and themes covered in our curriculum.

Taking account of pupils’ capacity to understand these concepts and ideas we aim to:


  •  listen to all views
  • debate arguments for and against
  • get involved
  • express our views appropriately
  • vote and respect the view of the majority

Rule of Law

  • make sure rules and expectations are clear and fair
  • can distinguish right from wrong
  • respect the law, and school rules, and the basis on which they are made
  • know laws protect us

Individual Liberty

  • promote self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence
  • take responsibility for our own behaviour
  • model freedom of speech in a peaceful manner
  • challenge stereotypes and bias
  • are an anti-bullying school

Respect & Tolerance

  • promote respect
  • respect our own and other peoples’ cultures and way of life
  • challenge prejudice and discrimination
  • discuss differences of faith, ethnicity, disability, gender and families