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Christmas Displays


All classes created their annual Christmas displays to go up along the main corridor. Each class celebrates the part of the nativity they retell.

St Augustine House Assembly


We held our first house assembly of the year this week. St Augustine house came along to the hall to meet together and talk about their house. Our St Augustine house captain, Leya and Vice Captain, Teddy put the assembly together and led it. They shared who St Augustine was and why he is so important to Canterbury. They also talked about what they want to achieve from their house this year, there were lots of good ideas and some of us are going to go away and create posters to put around the school to encourage others to care for God's creation.

Year 2 RE Celebration: God's Chosen People

21st October 2024

God Chose Abraham and Sarah.

God Chose Moses.

God Chose Daniel.

Year 5 RE Celebration

Thursday 17th October 2024


We shared our RE learning from this term today with our parents. We have been learning all about Creation. We share the Creation story, acted out the story of The Fall, explained what co-creators and de-creators are, shared our letters that we wrote to Pope Francis and talked about some of God's great helpers.


Monday 15th October

RE Celebration


Year 4 welcomed parents as we held our RE celebration today to show off our learning to date. As this term was all about 'The Bible' - we focused on showing Bible stories. All children acted superbly and demonstrated their understanding of stories well. 


Thank you to those parents who were able to attend - we hope your enjoyed our celebration.

Year 4 Class Assembly

Thursday 10th October 2024


As part of our learning to date, Year 4 were able to demonstrate their understanding and knowledge of the bible story Abraham and Sarah and how they had to show trust and faith in God.


Well done to all of you for your effort and hard work.


Year 4 Class Liturgy

Tuesday 8th October 2024


Year 4 held our own class liturgy based on the gospel reading from Mark 10:13-16 .

We began with a hymn, followed by an opening prayer and then reading scripture reading from Mark (10:2-16) We then reflected on the Gospel reading before ending our liturgy a closing prayer.


Finally, we completed an activity to remind us that all children are special and loved by God, whose Son Jesus welcomed the little children.

Year 5 Class Assembly

Thursday 3rd October 2024


Year 5 shared their learning from this term with the rest of the school and parents. We shared what we have learned about Creation and why it is important that we are now Stewards of the Earth. We also shared our English, geography and DT learning.

Our new and updates school houses!


We have had a huge change at the start of our new school year, we have new saints for our houses in school! We looked at our houses and wanted to make them more relevant to our school, using local saints or saints linked to our curriculum here at St Thomas'.


Introducing our new houses:

Saint Augustine

Saint Mildred

Saint Ethelbert

Saint Thérèse of Lisieux

Year 5 Trip to Canterbury Cathedral


We had a wonderful morning at Canterbury Cathedral on Monday 15th July 2024. We learned all about pilgrimage and St Thomas Becket. We took part in a costume trail around the Cathedral, acting out the story of St Thomas and learning about different parts of the Cathedral. We also made our own pilgrim badges, wrote our names with a quill, coloured our own stained glass window and were given the opportunity to explore the different activities in the education room. It was such a good morning!

Other Faiths Week 2024


We held our annual other faiths week in school this week. It is a wonderful opportunity for all the children throughout the school to learn about a major world religion in detail. Each class looked at a different world religion and produced some wonderful work. This was shared in our celebration assembly with the whole school and parents. Each class has also produced a display sowing some of their fabulous learning!

Year of Prayer


We are thinking about the Year of Prayer in school. This is a special year where we are called to pray in preparation for the Jubilee next year. Children throughout the school have written prayers that we have added to our prayer tree, which is on display in our school entrance. As part of their RE learning, year 5 looked at the Our Father and have written this sacred prayer in different languages. 

Year 5 End of RE Topic Celebration

Life in the Risen Jesus



On Thursday 16th May 2024, we welcomed parents into our classroom to tell them everything we have been learning in RE this term. We have been learning about what happened after Jesus rose from the dead and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. We shared some of our information about what Catholics believe in the Apostle's Creed, some of the main changes in the Church after the Second Vatican Council and the different types of prayer, knowing that Jesus is always with us. 

Year 5 Class Assembly


On Thursday 16th May 2024, we shared our learning from this term with the whole school and parents. We shared learning from English, where we have been reading Beowulf. We read some instructions we wrote to catch Grendel and kennings. We then shared our Anglo-Saxon learning from history. We also welcomed everyone to the new game show...RE Today, where the contestants were asked questions all about the Second Vatican Council. To finish we shared prayers we wrote in RE about Jesus always being with us, followed by singing 'He'll be there'.On Thursday 16th May 2024 we shared our learning from this term with the whole school and parents. We shared learning from English, where we have been reading Beowulf. We read some instructions we wrote to catch Grendel and kennings. We then shared our Anglo-Saxon learning from history. We also welcomed everyone to the new game show...RE Today, where the contestants were asked questions all about the Second Vatican Council. To finish we shared prayers we wrote in RE about Jesus always being with us, followed by singing 'He'll be there'.

Wednesday 15th May 2024

Year 4 RE Celebration


During our class RE Celebration, we showed our parents some of our learning so far. The focus was The Early Christians - we were able to demonstrate the story of Pentecost.


Thank you to all those parents who were able to attend

Ascension Day Mass


This morning (Thursday 9th May 2024), the whole school walked down to St Thomas' Church to celebrate Ascension with members of our Parish. 

Southwark Schools Rosary


This morning (Tuesday 7th May 2024), we joined other schools around our Diocese to celebrate the Rosary with the Archbishop via Zoom. We all joined in and watched live from our class rooms. 

Crowning of Our Lady


In our celebration assembly on Friday 3rd May, the Mini-Vinnie's led the whole school and parents in a crowning of Our Lady. We shared prayers and placed roses at her feet. The youngest and oldest children in the school then crowned Our Lady. We sang some hymns dedicated to Mary.

Year 4 Class Assembly



Today, Year 4 welcomed parents and the school family to watch our class assembly. We were able to demonstrate our learning to-date. This included showcasing RE - where we were able to highlight Pentecost through drama and dialogue.

Year 5 Class Mass


This morning, Wednesday 1st May, Year 5 celebrated their class mass with the theme of Mary as it is 1st May. We heard about when Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth in the Gospel and asked Mary for support and guidance throughout this special month of May. Canon Anthony came to celebrate mass along with some of our parents. 

May is the month of Our Lady


As we start the special month of May, which is dedicated to our Lady, we think about how special she is and pray to her. We have a lovely statue of Our Lady in our foyer and on Friday we will be crowning her in our whole school assembly. After year 5 celebrated their class mass, they placed some flowers next to Our Lady.

Class Mass – Wednesday 24th April 2024

On Wednesday 24th April 2024, year 4 held a class mass in our classroom. The theme was work as it linked with the Feast of St Joseph the Worker. We invited parents to come and share mass with us.

CAFOD Club Assembly


Today (Thursday 18th April 2024), CAFOD Club held our second whole school assembly to let everyone know about our plans for the next two terms.


1) We would like to make the world a brighter place to live in! We would like to invite you to come to school dressed in bright colours to brighten up the world by fundraising for our global family by donating the money to CAFOD. We would ask you to bring a donation if you come to school in your bright colours. This will happen on Friday 3rd May 2024.


2) We showed a video of a bus that was being used in Pakistan as a mobile clinic to support those in need who were suffering as a result of the devastating floods of 2022. We are also inviting you all to take part in an art competition. For this, you will need to create a piece of artwork showing the community of St Thomas’. Just like the bus is being used in Pakistan. Your entry must either A4 or A3 sized and have your name and class written on the back. Your entry must be handed in to your class teacher by Tuesday 14th May 2024, winners from each class will be announced in celebration assembly on Friday 17th May 2024.


3) We are going to be hosting a whole school dancethon in term 6. More details to follow!


We are really looking forward to helping brighten up St Thomas', our local community and the whole world!

Holy Week in School 2024


Throughout this special time of Holy Week all the children will be taking part in different reflections and assemblies. In our hall we have images showing the Stations of the Cross.



Who was responsible for Jesus' death?


Year 6 have produced some wonderful work about who they believe to be responsible for the death of Jesus. They used scripture to find evidence for who they believed was at fault for Jesus' death, created pie charts in maths to visually show who they think held the most responsibility and created some lovely artwork.

Easter Assembly


At the end of the day on Thursday we celebrated all the fabulous Easter bonnets and decorated eggs that so many of the children had spent time creating. They all looked amazing!

Easter Bonnets and Decorated Eggs


We had some fantastic entries throughout the school for our Easter Bonnets and decorated eggs competition! So much effort went into them all! They were very difficult to judge but Mrs Milroy and Canon Anthony were up to the task! 


A massive well done to all of the children who took part!


The Way of the Cross


On Thursday, Year 6 shared Jesus' final hours with the whole school and parents. It was a time for thinking about how Jesus felt during the events of Good Friday.

Last Supper


On Wednesday, we gathered as a whole school again to reflect on the events of the Last Supper. We all sat in the hall and broke bread thinking about Jesus' last special meal with His disciples.

Palm Sunday 


 On Tuesday, key stage one and foundation stage shared a Palm Sunday assembly with the whole school. They sang some beautiful songs, acted out the story of Palm Sunday and other parables Jesus taught.