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Year 6

The Stations of the Cross.

As part of our R.E. this week we joined with year 5 and walked to church to participate in a liturgy, 'Way of The Cross'.

We listened carefully to readings as we contemplated each station and its beautiful carved picture in the church. We joined with traditional prayers and then re-walked the stations at our own pace before heading back to school.

The children were as always a real credit to you and our school community as they took part in this moving remembrance of our Lord and His final hours. 


Our End of Topic Celebration - Epiphany Term - Exploring the Mass


The children have yet again done themselves proud. Today in a packed celebration (thank you all so much for coming) - the children shared what they had been learning about in this terms R.E. unit 'Exploring the Mass'. 

As always, the children prepared and presented all their own work. 

It was a pleasure to watch today and see the children's delight in sharing their work.

Class Assembly: 25.01.24

The children were amazing again as they presented a selection of their learning from: Maths (finding percentages of an amount), Music (singing in four part hamony and quodlibets - partner songs), English (our writing on the Highwayman), R.E (Exploring the Mass) and our fabulous artwork linked to portraits and the Highwayman.

In addition, we talked about being at the O2 and sang a selction of our songs from Young voices.

Cafod - Catholic Social Teaching.

Today we were lucky enough to have an assembly followed by a workshop that reinforced our class learning on the Key values that we as Christians try to follow. 

We looked at different scenarios and discussed each one, linking it to Catholic Social Teaching and finally we wrote prayers or a letter to Pope Francis.

CAFOD assembly and workshop on Catholic Social Teaching

Our Class assembly 09.11.23

In the main, this assembly was all the children's own work. They suggested all the ideas, even saying how they would like to present each piece of their learning.

We thank all of you who were able to attend and hope that you enjoyed it as much as the children enjoyed sharing it with you.

Our class assembly - 09.11.23

Trip to the Beaney.

We went to the Beaney Institute of Art and Knowledge on the 18th October to reinforce our work on adaptation, evolution and inheritance.

We visited the galleries and did some observational drawings where we identified the key adaptations on the animals we got to study close up.


Kent Catholic School's Partnership - Start of year Mass.

We had a lovely day today, celebrating the start of this academic year with many other Kent Catholic School's.

Our mass was followed by a picnic and some games in the park. After this we completed the beautiful rosary walk and visited the peace gardens. A truly uplifting way to start the school year.

As we walked around the rosary walk, it became very clear that many of our year sixes have forgotten a lot of this most beautiful of catholic prayers and so we have added it to this terms R.E. If anyone has any rosary beads at home, perhaps you could share them with your children and find out what they have been learning.

Below are some photo's of our day.


Welcome to year six!

This is a very busy but improtant year as we ready ourselves for secondary school. 

There will be lots of hard work to do this year, but alongside it we will also be having a lot of fun.

If you have any concerns about your child at all, please do not hesitate to contact either of us by email, TEAMS or via the office and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Please remember your child has a contact book in which you can record non - urgent notes but please remind your child to actually hand their contact book in. If you are using TEAMS to message us, please use your child's private channel and use the @ key and add our names so that we know we have been messaged. 

We are contactable by email as cbrooker@ or Lsmith@ and the usual school address.

Please find below our first term's newsletter and the powerpoint from our meet the teacher meeting with essential information on it.
