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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

Showcase of learning


We welcomed parents into school this afternoon to show our computing and history learning. We showed them the quizzes we made on Scratch and how to use crumble controllers. For our history we used the runic alphabet that the Anglo-Saxons used to create a door sign with our name on. Thank you to all those who came. 

Mythical Creatures!


We created our own mythical creatures this morning. We drew the head, folded the paper and passed it to someone else, who then drew the body (without seeing what the head looked like), then folded the paper again, passed to someone else and drew the legs. These are our creations...

Welcome to Potions Class Year 5!


Today we welcomed Professor Snape into year 5 for a potions lesson. We used some highly dangerous ingredients to make three potions using our measuring skills learned in maths lessons and our magical abilities! Professor Snape left in a much better mood than when he arrived!

Trip to Canterbury Cathedral


We had a wonderful morning at Canterbury Cathedral on Monday 15th July 2024. We learned all about pilgrimage and St Thomas Becket. We took part in a costume trail around the Cathedral, acting out the story of St Thomas and learning about different parts of the Cathedral. We also made our own pilgrim badges, wrote our names with a quill, coloured our own stained glass window and were given the opportunity to explore the different activities in the education room. It was such a good morning!

Euro 2024 Winner


In year 5 we held a sweepstake for the Euro's. Everyone in the class (including the adults), picked a team at random and have supported them the whole way through the tournament. Each day we filled in the scores on our wall chart in the classroom. 


Our winner was Jensen who had Spain. Here he is with his prize of a Euro 2024 football!



We had SO much fun during our Quidditch session today! Mrs Michael was very pleased to win Best Golden Snitch out of all the teachers! Well done to Ravenclaw on winning the House Cup!

St Augustine's Abbey Trip


Today (9th July), we visited St Augustine's Abbey as part of history work about the Anglo Saxons. We amazed at how the ruins look now, we imagined what it would have been like when it was built. We were also excited to find the grave of St Augustine. 

General Election 2024


This week in year 5 we have been learning all about the general election. We have looked at what an general election is and why it is important. We then looked at each of the manifestos of the main political parties. 


On Thursday 4th July, we held our own vote in the year 5 Polling Station! Everyone remembered their photo ID! 


Results are:


Labour Party: 16 votes

Green Party: 8 votes

Liberal Democrat Party: 3 votes

Conservative Party: 1 vote

Reform UK: 0 votes


We will see tomorrow if the country reflects year 5!

Fantastic Fairground Rides!


As part of our computing lessons we have created a fairground ride that works using our crumble controllers. We had so much fun making them and seeing them actually work! I


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Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Sorting Ceremony


As we are reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in English, we held our own Sorting Ceremony in class. 

End of RE topic Celebration

Term 5 - Life in the Risen Jesus


On Thursday 16th May 2024, we welcomed parents into our classroom to tell them everything we have been learning in RE this term. We have been learning about what happened after Jesus rose from the dead and the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. We shared some of our information about what Catholics believe in the Apostle's Creed, some of the main changes in the Church after the Second Vatican Council and the different types of prayer, knowing that Jesus is always with us. 

Term 5 Class Assembly


On Thursday 16th May 2024 we shared our learning from this term with the whole school and parents. We shared learning from English, where we have been reading Beowulf. We read some instructions we wrote to catch Grendel and kennings. We then shared our Anglo-Saxon learning from history. We also welcomed everyone to the new game show...RE Today, where the contestants were asked questions all about the Second Vatican Council. To finish we shared prayers we wrote in RE about Jesus always being with us, followed by singing 'He'll be there'.

Class Mass


This morning, Wednesday 1st May, Year 5 celebrated their class mass with the theme of Mary as it is 1st May. We heard about when Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth in the Gospel and asked Mary for support and guidance throughout this special month of May. Canon Anthony came to celebrate mass along with some of our parents. After mass, we took some flowers to the foyer to place next to the statue of Our Lady.

Easter Bonnets and Decorated Eggs


We had some fabulous entries for our Easter Bonnets and decorated eggs from year 5!


Easter Cards


In year 5 we made our Easter cards using water colours and chalk pastels.


Mother's Day Cards


We made some flower-themed Mother's Day cards this year. Our messages inside were written in our home language. We hope you all enjoyed receiving your cards!

Dreamcatcher Art


We have been learning all about dreamcatchers in art. We researched what they are for and how they link to our USA topic in geography from terms 1 and 2. We then designed our own and made them using paper plates and our weaving skills. I think you will agree they have turned out brilliantly!

World Book Day 2024


What a brilliant day we have had! The children came in full of enthusiasm! We had some wonderful ideas for costumes showing our 'thoroughly thesaurus' theme! We read some books with year 1 and looked at how we choose a book to read!


Here are some pictures of what we got up to:

Amazing Artwork!


I just had to share the wonderful artwork that Year 5 finished at the end of term 3. The children have been learning about drawing portraits and used the work of Marten Jansen as inspiration to create these wonderful abstract portraits! We can't wait for you to see them up close in our learning showcase at the end of term 4!


RE Celebration - Wednesday 7th February 2024

Inspirational People


Today we shared the learning from our work on inspirational people. The children wrote the RE celebration themselves and were proud to share this with lots of our parents! The children talked about what makes an inspirational person and how Jesus taught us the beatitudes to help us follow His example. They also acted out the life of Pier Giorgio who was known as ‘the boy of the eight beatitudes’.

Safer Internet Day

Tuesday 6th February 2024


This Safer Internet Day we began the morning thinking about what online safety actually means, then we had a list of potential worries about using the internet, such as, cyberbullying, scams, trolls, unreliable information, online friends and seeing something scary. We had to rank these in order of what we are most worried about to least worried. We read the book ‘#Goldilocks – A hashtag cautionary tale’ , this was about a girl called Goldilocks who took pictures and videos in order to get more ‘likes’, this made her feel popular. As her popularity dwindled, she became desperate and trespassed into the three bears house! She was caught and in the end, the bears forgave her. She learnt her lesson – Think before you press send! We were very shocked to learn that some apps have age restrictions, apps like Tik Tok, Twitter and Instagram have an age restriction of 13. However, we were very surprised to learn that the age restriction for WhatsApp is 16. We thought about what we can do to leave a positive impact on the internet and we have created our own posters about this.

Litter Angels Winners - Rosie Duffield visits Year 5!


We were very lucky this afternoon to have a visit from our MP, Rosie Duffield! She came in to announce the winner and runners up for the Litter Angels competition we entered earlier in the year! All of the posters were incredible!


Our runners up were:





Our class winner was...




Well done!


Here are some pictures of our afternoon!


Look out for all of the posters, which will be put up around the school gates soon!


Well done year 5, I am so proud of you!

Class Assembly - Thursday 18th January 2024


Today we shared our learning with the whole school and parents from term 3 so far. We have already looked at so much and tried to fit in as much as we could! We shared our learning of long multiplication in maths, expanded noun phrases in English, inspirational people in RE, earth and space in science, drawing eyes in art and learning to play the glockenspiel in music. As well as sharing some of our singing. 

Art - Drawing eyes


We started our Create term this week and had our first art lesson. In year 5 we are focusing on drawing the eye. We followed a 15 step guide to draw the eyes and I'm sure you can agree that the children produced some fabulous pieces of art! 

How to steal Christmas!


We channeled our inner Grinch and wrote instructions about how to steal Christmas! We loved writing these instructions and coming up with evil ways to steal Christmas! Here are some of our final published pieces...


Parent Showcase 13.12.23


We loved welcoming our parents into class today to share our learning in our driver subjects of geography and DT. We made some structures and we all wrote our own quizzes about the USA from our learning to test our parents...we're happy to report that they all passed with flying colours, well done parents!


St Nicolas Christmas Carols at Canterbury Cathedral


On Sunday 10th December a large number of year 5 joined other local schools to sing at the St Nicolas concert in Canterbury Cathedral. The children were all absolutely fantastic and sang beautifully. The represented St Thomas' wonderfully!

Catholic Social Teaching Workshops


On Monday 13th November 2023, we welcomed Maggie from CAFOD into class to do a workshop about some of the CST principles. We shared what we already know about the principles then looked at some scenarios to try and match them to a principle. We really enjoyed our session and then wrote prayers or letters to Pope Francis in reply to his Fretelli Tutti letter.

RE Celebration - Creation - Monday 16th October 2023


We welcomed parents into class to share our RE learning from this term. We have been looking at Creation. We got into groups and each planned our different parts for the celebration. We shared what we had learned about the story of Creation from Genesis, what Stewardship is and why it is important, the story of The Fall, gave examples of two of God’s great helpers, St Martin de Porres and St Francis of Assisi, explained what co-creators and de-creators are and why it is important to not litter.

Anti-Litter Posters


We have entered a competition to promote anti-littering through the charity Litter Angels. The theme this year is to stop throwing litter out of cars. Our posters have been sent off to Rosie Duffield who is the MP for Canterbury, Whitstable and the Villages, who will choose winners. Hopefully one of ours will be chosen and displayed in local McDonald's car parks. We loved creating posters for this brilliant cause and promoting our school value of Stewardship. 


Class Assembly


Today was our first class assembly of the year, in fact we were the first year group out of the whole school! We shared our learning from English, geography, maths, RE and PE. The children wrote the assembly themselves! I am so incredibly proud of every single one of the children! Well done Year 5!

Rounding Problem Solving in Maths


We used some dice to help us look at rounding numbers. We enjoyed creating the numbers by rolling the dice then rounding the numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000 and 10,000. We loved our practical maths lesson today!

Erosion Investigation


We have been learning about how the Grand Canyon was formed. We all carried out an investigation using milk cartons, soil and water to see how erosion works so that we can understand how the Colorado River helped to form the Grand Canyon.

Meet the teacher


Thank you to all those parents that were able to make my meet the teacher session. For those of you who were unable to make it I have uploaded the PowerPoint here for you.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.



Welcome to Year 5!


Welcome to our Year 5 class page! On here I will be posting lots of information about what we have been doing in class, pictures of our work, homework and our Star of the week.


We are really looking forward to spending the year ahead with the children and can't wait to get started!


If any of you ever have any questions, feel free to come and ask.


Mrs Michael, Ms Jopling and Mrs Sladden
