We had a fantastic time on our trip to the National Archives in London this week! We went on the coach (for two hours) and took part in a workshop looking at what history is. We saw some artefacts and documents that were all REAL! There was so much history in our room! There was a scroll from Henry VIII, a propaganda poster from WW2, a map from 1667 showing the area the Great Fire of London destroyed and a workers log book of children working in a cotton mill in Manchester in 1864. We had such an amazing day!
Over the Christmas holiday, the children were given the task to create their own maths board games. They did not disappoint! We played them in our first maths lesson back and we all had a brilliant time! Well done everyone!
We are now in term 3, how time flies! We have a shorter, but still very busy term ahead!
Multiplication and Division: Multiply 4 digit by 1 digit, multiplying 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers by two digits, solve problems involving multiplication, short division, division with remainders, efficient division, solve problems with division, solving problems using multiplication and division. Fractions: Multiply unit fractions by an integer, multiply non-unit fractions by an integer, multiply mixed numbers by an integer, calculate fractions of quantities, fractions of amounts, finding the whole, using fractions and operators and solving problems involving fractions. Decimals and percentages: Decimals up to 2 decimal places, equivalent fractions and decimals, thousandths as fractions and decimals, thousandths on a place value chart, order and compare decimals up to 3 decimal places, round to the nearest whole number, round to 1 decimal place, understanding percentages, percentages as fractions and decimals, equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. Perimeter and area: perimeter of rectangles and rectilinear shapes, perimeter of polygons, area of rectangles, area of compound shapes, estimating area. Statistics: Draw line graphs, read and interpret line graphs, read and interpret tables, Two-way tables and read and interpret timetables.
We will also be continuing with our daily arithmetic.
In English, we will be reading Children of the Quicksands by Efua Traoré and Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterley as our main class texts, our writing will be based upon these texts. We will be writing our own narrative stories and newspaper reports. We will be spending a week looking at a poem called, ‘The Listeners’ by Walter De La Mere. We will finish our term by doing a film study of ‘Pandora Discovered’
Our English lessons will also include grammar, punctuation and spelling.
Reading books will continue to be sent home, it is very important that your child reads daily. If your child is one of the children who use Lexia in school, it is very important that they log on to this at home too.
R.E .Inspirational People: children learn about what it means to be a Disciple, the Beatitudes and living them, the Presence of God, being brave enough to proclaim the Faith and seeking God’s Will. Lastly, they will consider the pressures and influences around them and how to be Saints not Celebrities. Reconciliation: Children will learn that it is important to understand what the world ‘sin’ means and why it is important to say sorry for doing wrong and ask for God’s forgiveness. We will also be looking ahead to the special time of Easter.
Art: The children will be looking at four areas of art; Drawing: we will be looking at portraiture, focussing on how to draw eyes as well as looking at the proportions of the body when drawing a still image. Painting: we will be looking at analogous colours and using the work of Martin Jansen to paint our own portrait in an abstract expressionist style. 3D: we will be creating our own dreamcatchers, taking inspiration from Navajo weaving. Graphic art: we will be looking at the work of Mark Bradford to create some textured pieces of artwork.
Music – During Epiphany and Lent the children will build on their knowledge of rhythm and notation. They will learn to play the glockenspiel and compose their own piece of music to create an atmosphere when putting a piece of drama together.
In Science the children will learn about Earth and space and forces. They will learn; to describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system, to describe the movement of the Moon relative to the Earth, that the Sun, Earth and Moon are approximately spherical bodies and that use the idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night, and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky. In forces, they will learn about gravity and the effects of air resistance, water resistance and friction.
We welcomed parents into class to share our learning from our driver subjects of geography and DT. The children each created their own USA quiz containing questions from their learning. Everyone then took part in building bridges and trying to think of ways in which they could be made stronger so that more cubes could be held without the bridge collapsing! We had some very healthy competition going on in the classroom!
We all enjoyed making our Christmas cards using water colours.
We all celebrated Christmas jumper day today. We all made hats for our Christmas lunch.
Some of Year 5 went to Canterbury Cathedral on Sunday 8th December to sing with other local schools at the St Nicholas Day Service. It was such a lovely evening and all the children sang beautifully! I was so proud of them all! The whole of year 5 also snag the songs in our celebration assembly here in school.
As part of our October half term homework we were all tasked with putting together a project about a USA state of our choice. This is linked to our geography topic where we have been learning about the USA. We are now experts in our chosen state! All of the projects were very well thought out and we enjoyed hearing all about what everyone has found out! Well done year 5!
We shared our RE learning from this term today with our parents. We have been learning all about Creation. We share the Creation story, acted out the story of The Fall, explained what co-creators and de-creators are, shared our letters that we wrote to Pope Francis and talked about some of God's great helpers.
Wow! What a day we have had! As part of our DT learning this term we made apple pie as it links to our geography topic of the USA. Apple pie is a traditional American dessert, although we had ours with custard, not ice cream!
The children were absolutely brilliant throughout the whole process. We talked about having good kitchen hygiene and looked at the skills needed to create our apple pie. The children peeled and chopped their apples, mixed in some golden caster sugar, cinnamon and flour. The placed them in the pie base. They all created their own lattice design for the top. We then enjoyed eating our apple pie in the afternoon, they were delicious!
Thank you to those of you who were able to come along to our meet the teacher session. I have attached the PowerPoint for those that weren't able to attend. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
We started our year 5 geography lessons today. Our first lesson was learning all about map skills, in particular learning about contour lines.
We looked at an OS Map of Canterbury and East Kent to find some places of interest to us.
We then used potatoes to show what contour lines show about the height of the ground.
We really enjoyed our lesson!
Welcome to our Year 5 class page! On here I will be posting lots of information about what we have been doing in class, pictures of our work and our Star of the week.
We are really looking forward to spending the year ahead with the children and can't wait to get started!
If any of you ever have any questions, feel free to come and ask.
Mrs Michael, Ms Jopling and Mrs Sladden