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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Times Table Rockstars


As a school, we are signed up to the wonderful online resource that is Times Table Rockstars.


It is a times tables game where the children can play a variety of challenges in order to improve their understanding of times tables. I can even set challenges!


This is a great resource to help with learning of times tables that are set for home learning each week.


The children have all been given their individual login details (recorded in their homework books) and were shown how to use the resource. They are already becoming quite competitive! A little bit as often as possible will make a huge difference! 


Just a reminder, details as follows:




Go to Login - School Pupils.


When School name box appears, type: CT1 1NE (St Thomas' Catholic Primary School Canterbury should appear).


Then enter unique individual username and password.


Enjoy and practice those times tables

Terms 3 and 4

Tuesday 11th February 2025

Safer Internet Day

Theme: Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online.


Throughout our enjoyable Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 11th February, Year 4 read the book Chicken Clicking by Tony Ross.


We discussed what mistakes Chicken Clicking had made in buying so many things online as well as the terrible error of arranging to meet someone that she had only talked to online as we all learnt that people could pretend to be anything and anyone! 


We 'hot seated' Chicken Clicking so that we could explain to her how dangerous her actions were. We also discussed what made us feel safe online and came up with strategies to keep ourselves safe and happy. To complete our day, we created an email to send to ‘Chicken Clicking’ regarding her behaviour and how to remain safe using the internet


Wow we were busy!

Friday 7th February 2025

RE Celebration


During our class RE Celebration, we showed our parents some of our learning so far. The focus was explaining about Jesus the Teacher, which was achieved through acting out a scene from scripture – The presentation of Jesus in the Temple.


Thank you to all parents who were able to attend and for the wonderful comments.

Class Assembly



Today, year 4 welcomed parents and the St. Thomas’ school family as we showed our learning to date during our class assembly.


We were able to demonstrate our understanding of many important curriculum subjects, including Maths, English, Science and RE.


We were also able to show off our learning in our ‘driver subjects’ for term 3 and 4 – Music and Art.


We all contributed to the assembly – in writing, preparing and the delivery.


Well done to each and every one of you. I am so proud of you all – Mr Todd

Body Percussion

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Tuesday 4th February 2025

Class Liturgy

Today, members of our school CAFOD club delivered a special jubilee year liturgy for the children of year 4 with the theme PILGRIMS OF HOPE.

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year. Thank you for all the kind wishes, cards and gifts that myself and Mrs Gadd received at the end of last term. I hope that you have all had a fantastic Christmas break. We are very excited about our learning this term as we move swiftly on towards Easter. If you have any questions, please come to the classroom at the end of the school day. 



Please note: Our PE day is on a MONDAY for terms 3 and 4. If your child has ear piercings could tape be provided to cover the earring please.


Mr Todd and Mrs Gadd

Terms 1 and 2

Friday 13th December 2024


Parent Showcase - DT



In DT we are going to make our own torch. 

Today, we investigated which materials would allow electricity to flow and which would stop the flow.
Well done parents for taking part and completing the investigation 'Conductor or Insulator' to help us identify materials for the job. 


I think you will agree that the children were very understanding and perfect teachers.

Anti-Bullying Week

Monday 11th – Friday 15th November 2024


For anti-bullying week 2024, Year 4 took part in lots of activities to explore the theme ‘CHOOSE RESPECT’.


First, we identified why anti-bullying week happens. This week aims to educate people all about bullying and the ways in which we can help.


Bullying is a repeated action – this means that the incident happens over and over again.


We identified different types of bullying.

Physical bullying involves pushing, pinching, hitting or kicking somebody or damaging his or her belongings.

Verbal bullying involves hurtful comments such as calling names, teasing or threatening them.

Social bullying means excluding someone, such as leaving them out of a game or conversation, telling others to leave someone out, talking behind someone’s back.

Cyber bullying involves receiving online abuse, emails and text messages.


Our first task was to create an acrostic poem ‘CHOOSE RESPECT’ or ‘ANTI BULLYING’. We wanted to explain the things that could help others.


Bullying can happen anywhere, at any time, to anyone but it is important to remember that we have the right to feel safe; no one should ever be bullied, in school or out of school.


To help us further understand the theme ‘CHOOSE RESPECT’ we completed a challenging reading comprehension.


In order to stop bullying, we all have to make a change.


Another of our tasks was to act out some challenging scenarios regarding bullying. This really opened our eyes as to what the victim of bullying would feel like.


We all should CHOOSE RESPECT!

Remembrance Day 2024

DT - Food

Monday 21st October 2024


As part of our DT topic of food, today we made our own Pasta from scratch before sampling our wonderful efforts. We had to prepare the ingredients before bringing them together to make the dough. Then we used all our strength to roll out the mixture in order to cut it into 'tagliatelle' strips.


Well done to you all - a feast fit for a King or Queen.

Monday 15th October

RE Celebration


Year 4 welcomed parents as we held our RE celebration today to show off our learning to date. As this term was all about 'The Bible' - we focused on showing Bible stories. All children acted superbly and demonstrated their understanding of stories well. 


Thank you to those parents who were able to attend - we hope your enjoyed our celebration.

Thursday 10th October 2024

Class Assembly 


Thank you to all those parents who were able to attend our class assembly. We were able to show off our learning to date in RE, Science, English, Geography and DT. 


Well done to every child in year 4 for putting on such a fantastic show! I am super proud of you all. Mr Todd.

Year 4 Class Liturgy

Tuesday 8th October 2024


Year 4 held our own class liturgy based on the gospel reading from Mark 10:13-16 .

We began with a hymn, followed by an opening prayer and then reading scripture reading from Mark (10:2-16) We then reflected on the Gospel reading before ending our liturgy a closing prayer.


Finally, we completed an activity to remind us that all children are special and loved by God, whose Son Jesus welcomed the little children.

Tuesday 24th September 2023


Church visit.


As part of local geography learning, year 4 ventured to St. Thomas Church to look at how it has changed over periods of time. We were able to find out when it was built and when new extensions were added. We used our previous knowledge to come up with thoughtful questions to help our understanding.

Dear Parents,


I hope that you have had a lovely and relaxing summer as we welcome in another exciting school year. It was wonderful to be reacquainted with the children at the end of last term and I am really looking forward to this academic year. Year 4 is a highly enjoyable year which provides opportunity for your children to engage in swimming lessons, music theory and numerous sports, as part of the curriculum over the coming year.  We are looking forward to a fabulous term with your lovely children.


Please note: Our PE day is on a WEDNESDAY for terms 1 and 2. If your child has ear piercings could tape be provided to cover the earring please.


Mr Todd and Mrs Gadd
