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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Times Table Rockstars


As a school, we are signed up to the wonderful online resource that is Times Table Rockstars.


It is a times tables game where the children can play a variety of challenges in order to improve their understanding of times tables. I can even set challenges!


This is a great resource to help with learning of times tables that are set for home learning each week.


The children have all been given their individual login details (recorded in their homework books) and were shown how to use the resource. They are already becoming quite competitive! A little bit as often as possible will make a huge difference! 


Just a reminder, details as follows:




Go to Login - School Pupils.


When School name box appears, type: CT1 1NE (St Thomas' Catholic Primary School Canterbury should appear).


Then enter unique individual username and password.


Enjoy and practice those times tables

Terms 5 and 6

Wednesday 10th July

Parent Showcase - Computing


Today, year 4 were able to demonstrate their knowledge of creating algorithms and coding using the programme Scratch. Thank you and well done to the parents who were able to attend, I'm sure the children wowed you with their expertise.

Schools Cricket Day out

Friday 28th June 2024


Today, year 4 and year 3 made there way to the Spitfire Spitfire Ground, St Lawrence, Canterbury for a cricketing experience of a lifetime. 


The children began the day with a tour of the ground which included an active quiz. We then used the same facilities as the professionals - the state-of-the-art The Ames-Levett Sports Centre to practice bowling, fielding and batting, coached by the coaches of Kent County Cricket Club. We had the chance to learn more about the sport and have fun as well as developing skills such as teamwork and resilience. 


We were also fortunate to see players from Kent train before meeting many of them, who took the time to speak to use and sign autographs.


We finished with lunch in the Pavilion - where the players eat.


What a wonderful day!

Digital Time Capsule Workshop

Thursday 27th June 2024


Today year 4 welcomed the Canterbury Archeological Trust to take part in a fun workshop. The session included looking at the importance of objects and how we express ourselves through the things that we use every day. We looked at finds from East Wear Bay to understand what they were used for and who might have used them. We also discussed about whether we think that these things were important to people in the past and why.


What a fun time!

Bounce Beyond Workshop

Monday 17th June 2024


Today, year 4 welcomed Karen from Bounce Beyond UK to lead us in a high energy bounce workshop based on mini-rebounders that combined elements of Numeracy, Science and Literacy, as part of National School Sports Week.


This unique workshop was fun, fully inclusive, low impact and boosted self-esteem, confidence and enhanced cognitive development, coordination and balance.


Bounce Beyond we are massively passionate about getting children active. Not only educating the children on the benefits of exercise but demonstrating that exercise can be fun!


We thoroughly enjoyed our workshop - thank you Karen.

Wednesday 12th June 2024


Today, year 4 visited the Roman Museum and The Beaney in Canterbury to supplement our learning on Roman Britain.


The museum was full of artefacts including helmets, accessories, mosiac pictures, coins and weapons.


First, we were introduced to the guides, Suzanna and Sam, who took us on our leaning journey through the museum.


We made our way through the museum, listening and discussing key features, some that we had already learnt in lessons.


We were able to create our own Roman coins, fire catapluts and take part in an archeological dig.


This was great fun!

6th June 2024

Year 4 Minlympics


Year 4 were welcomed to the annual Minilympics day, hosted by King's School staff and pupils. 


The children had a fantastic day where they took part in a variety of events including;

  • Hockey introduction and masterclass led by Hockey Olympian Sean Kerly
  • Cricket skills
  • Athletics
  • Rugby


The children engaged fully, with enthusiasm, in every single activity. It was an absolute joy to watch them participate with such energy and sportsman and woman-ship.


A wonderful day had all round.


Wednesday 15th May 2024

RE Celebration


During our class RE Celebration, we showed our parents some of our learning so far. The focus was The Early Christians - we were able to demonstrate the story of Pentecost.


Thank you to all those parents who were able to attend.

Class Assembly



Today, Year 4 welcomed parents and the school family to watch our class assembly. We were able to demonstrate our learning to-date. This included showcasing our driver subjects: Computing and History, as well as providing an insight into our English learning – Greek Mythology. In RE, we were able to highlight Pentecost through drama and dialogue.


Thank you for all those parents who were able to attend.

Thursday 25th April 2024


Today, year 4 visited The King's School in Canterbury to find out about the 'Sounding Out' partnership.


We listened to a variety of musical instruments and found out a little bit more about how they produce sound.


We thoroughly enjoyed our time.

Class Mass – Wednesday 24th April 2024

On Wednesday 24th April 2024, year 4 held a class mass in our classroom. The theme was work as it linked with the Feast of St Joseph the Worker. We invited parents to come and share mass with us.

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter break. Thank you for attending the parents’ evenings at the end of last term, it was wonderful to catch up with you. Thank you also for attending the showcase of the children’s learning to date – for those who were unable to attend, highlights of the day, including the puppet show, can be found in the year 4 section on the school website. We have a busy term ahead, as usual. 


Children must have their full swimming kit – including appropriate swimming costume (no 2-piece costumes), a towel, swimming googles (if required) and a swimming cap (if required) with them in an appropriate bag. Please note: Swimming will be a Monday. If your child has ear piercings could they be removed for the day. Thankyou.


Please feel free to come and see me if you have any questions about this term, my door is always open. Mr Todd.

Terms 3 and 4

Tuesday 26th March 2024

Stations of the Cross


Today, both year 3 and 4 visited St. Thomas’ Church in Canterbury to accompany Jesus on his journey through The Stations of the Cross.  This is one of the most simple, yet powerful, ways to prayerfully walk alongside Jesus and to reflect on his great sacrifice for us.


There are fourteen Stations of the Cross. Each is an invitation to contemplate and experience a pivotal moment from Jesus’ sentencing to his death to his burial. They are a powerful way to step into some of the most significant moments in human history and encounter Jesus like never before. One of the most impactful times to pray the Stations of the Cross is during Holy Week, especially on Good Friday.


There are traditionally fourteen Stations of the Cross. Each station represents a different moment in Jesus’ Passion and Death, including:

  1. Jesus is Condemned to Death
  2. Jesus Carries the Cross
  3. Jesus Falls for the First Time
  4. Jesus Meets His Mother
  5. Simon Helps Jesus Carry His Cross
  6. Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus
  7. Jesus Falls a Second Time
  8. Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem
  9. Jesus Falls a Third Time
  10. Jesus is Stripped of His Garments
  11. Jesus is Nailed to the Cross
  12. Jesus Dies on the Cross
  13. Jesus’ Body is Removed from the Cross
  14. Jesus is Laid in the Tomb

Parent Showcase

Monday 25th March 2024


Thank you to all parents who attended out year 4 showcase today. The children were all very excited to show their work they have enjoyed in our driver subjects - Art and Music.


Thank you also, for being such great sports and joining in with the showcase. The children were all very impressed with your music and artistic skills.

Monday 18th March 2024

Age UK visit


Today, year 4 visited Age UK in Canterbury to sing a selection of Easter songs to visitors to the centre. 


After, the children read some pages of their books to the people visiting the centre.


We thoroughly enjoyed our visit and we were grateful to lend our support to the local community.



Bhangra Dance Workshop

Wednesday 13th March 2024


Today, the whole of the school, including year 4, took part in a Bhangra Dance Workshop to help enrich knowledge of different cultures during a fun and educational session.


During this lively and joyous lesson, the children learnt how to dance Bhangra with our instructor Senjuti. They also learnt that Bhangra dance originated in the Indian subcontinent, the Punjab. Bhangra was traditionally danced at the time of the spring harvest festival and is an ideal workshop for bringing Diwali to your school.


In a typical performance, several dancers execute vigorous kicks, leaps, and bends of the body—often with upraised, thrusting arm or shoulder movements - to the accompaniment of short songs called boliyan and, most significantly, to the beat of a dhol (double-headed drum).


We embraced the challenge of learning a new style with enthusiasm and interest.

World Book Day

Thursday 7th March 2024


Today, we celebrated World Book Day by taking part in a number of interesting ‘book’ related activities.


First, we participated in a ‘What Kind of Reader Are You?’ quiz to explore our likes and enjoyments of reading.


Next, we shared our favourite books with each other - we even shared books written in another language! It was fun to find out what interests we all have and to share books and authors we have never heard of – this will certainly build on our library of texts for the future!


After, we participated in a ‘Masked Reader’ game show where we had to work out who the celebrity-masked reader was from three clues.


Finally, we completed a book review of our favourite book.


What a fun morning!

Class Liturgy 21st February 2024


Ash Wednesday


Year 4 celebrated Ash Wednesday by holding our own class liturgy. 


Lent explained


Lent is a time when we pray, do kind things for other people, give up things and give to others, as we prepare to celebrate the great feast of Easter.


For forty days, we accompany Jesus on his journey to Calvary and we see the mercy he shows towards others, despite his suffering. Just as God shows mercy towards us, like Jesus, we try to show mercy to others.


This Lent, we are also making our journey alongside families around the world living in poverty, especially those who do not have the basic things they need like enough nutritious food to eat.


We began with a hymn, followed by an opening prayer, scripture reading from Joel (2:12-13), the response, A CAFOD story, Lenten promises before finishing with more prayers and a final hymn.

Class Assembly

Thursday 8th February 2024


Thank you all who attended our class assembly on Thursday. We were able to showcase our learning for this term including RE, Maths, Art, English, Science and Music.


We finished the assembly by playing along, on the Ukelele, to 'Stand by me' - Well done all!



Deanery Day

Wednesday 7th February 2024


Year 4 headed to St. Anslem's School today to take part in the annual Team Building Deanery Day.


The morning session saw the children take part in a series of team building activities where they had to work well together to solve many problems. 


After lunch, all children took part in a benchball competition, against many different local schools.


I am please to say that the whole of year 4 displayed great teamwork, effort and most importantly sportsman and indeed sportswoman-ship throughout the day.



Safer Internet Day


Throughout our enjoyable Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 6th February 2024, Year 4 read the book Chicken Clicking by Tony Ross.


We discussed what mistakes Chicken Clicking had made in buying so many things online as well as the terrible error of arranging to meet someone that she had only talked to online as we all learnt that people could pretend to be anything and anyone! 


We 'hot seated' Chicken Clicking so that we could explain to her how dangerous her actions were. We also discussed what made us feel safe online and came up with strategies to keep ourselves safe and happy. To complete our day, we created an email to send to ‘Chicken Clicking’ regarding her behaviour and how to remain safe using the internet


Wow we were busy!

Wednesday 31st January 2024

RE Celebration


During our class RE Celebration, we showed our parents some of our learning so far.


The focus was explaining about Jesus the Teacher, which was achieved through acting out a scene from scripture – The presentation of Jesus in the Temple.

Year 4 Class Liturgy

17th January 2024


Today we heard about how Jesus called his disciples to follow him. They left what they were doing and went with him straight away.


We read Mark 1:14-20


Jesus asks us all to follow him. But unlike Simon, Andrew, James and John in this reading, we cannot see Jesus and go with him as he travels round the country. So, what do you think Jesus wants us to do? How can we follow Jesus?


We can follow Jesus by living our lives as he would want us to. By being kind to others, sharing all that we have, and caring for all people, especially those who are poor or sick, so that the world becomes a fairer place for everyone to live in.


We can also follow Jesus by standing up for what we believe in and speaking out when we see something that is not right.


And of course, praying helps us to follow Jesus. It is when we pray that we come to know Jesus better and this helps us to understand how to follow him.

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year. Thank you for all the kind wishes, cards and gifts that myself and Mrs Concannon received at the end of last term. I hope that you have all had a fantastic Christmas break.

We are very excited about our learning this term. 


A few things I would like to highlight;

Children must have their full, named PE kit in school at all times with clothing suitable for outside weather as well as indoors. Please note: PE will be a Monday. If your child has ear piercings could tape be provided to cover the earring. Thankyou.


Children are encouraged to read daily at home, preferably reading aloud to an adult who can discuss the text with them. Children who read at home regularly have been shown to make much more rapid progress. Reading is to be recorded in their reading diary please.


Home learning will be set weekly. This will consist of Times Table and spelling focus – times table and spelling tests will be administered on a Friday – as well as a maths and SPAG related task. Please log into TEAMS for homework information weekly.


If you have any questions, please come to the classroom at the end of the school day.


Mr Todd

Terms 1 and 2

8th December 2023 - Parent showcase - DT


Thank you to all parents who attended our showcase. The children immersed themselves and really enjoyed 'becoming the teacher' as they took you through their journey to date. 


I hope you all enjoyed taking part in your experiment, learning about conductors and insulators.


A+ to you all.

Christmas has arrived in Year 4

Anti-Bullying Week

Monday 13th – Friday 17th November 2022


For anti-bullying week 2023, Year 4 took part in lots of activities to explore the theme ‘MAKE A NOISE ABOUT BULLYING’.


First, we identified why anti-bullying week happens. This week aims to educate people all about bullying and the ways in which we can help.


Bullying is a repeated action – this means that the incident happens over and over again.


We identified different types of bullying.

Physical bullying involves pushing, pinching, hitting or kicking somebody or damaging his or her belongings.

Verbal bullying involves hurtful comments such as calling names, teasing or threatening them.

Social bullying means excluding someone, such as leaving them out of a game or conversation, telling others to leave someone out, talking behind someone’s back.

Cyber bullying involves receiving online abuse, emails and text messages.


Our first task was to create an acrostic poem ‘MAKE A NOISE ABOUT BULLYING’. We wanted to explain the things that could help others.


Bullying can happen anywhere, at any time, to anyone but it is important to remember that we have the right to feel safe; no one should ever be bullied, in school or out of school.


To help us further understand the theme ‘MAKE A NOISE ABOUT BULLYING’ we completed a challenging reading comprehension.


In order to stop bullying, we all have to make a change.


Another of our tasks was to act out some challenging scenarios regarding bullying. This really opened our eyes as to what the victim of bullying would feel like.



CAFOD workshop



Today, we had the pleasure of welcoming Lee from CAFOD to talk about how the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development helps not only the world but our community.


We gained a valuable insight into how we can help support the message from CAFOD and the key aims.

Year 4 remembers.... 11th November 2023

Wednesday 11th October 2023

RE Celebration


During our class RE Celebration, we showed our parents some of our learning so far. This included bible stories, most notably the story of Abraham


The children all took part in the celebration.


Through Abraham, God shows His people that, if they have great faith and complete trust in Him, He will look after them.

Class Assembly

Thursday 5th October was our first class assembly of the year. We shared our learning from RE, Science, English, Geography and DT. The children were absolute stars in the way they put together the assembly and how they delivered their lines! I am so incredibly proud of every single one of them! Well done Year 4!

Learning the Ukelele with Mr.Clift

Meet the teacher information

Dear Parents,

Welcome to the year 4 section of the class pages - Here you will find up-to-date information in order for you to see and hear about all things year 4!


I hope that you have had a lovely and relaxing summer as we welcome in another exciting school year. It was wonderful to be reacquainted with the children at the end of last term and I am really looking forward to this academic year.


Year 4 is a highly enjoyable year which provides opportunity for your children to engage in swimming lessons, music theory and numerous sports, as part of the curriculum over the coming year.


In year 4 we will be doing everything we can to foster as much independence in the children as we can, so with that in mind, please do send messages in with the children as I will be unable to see you or speak to you first thing. I am available, once I have dismissed all the class, every afternoon should you need me. We are looking forward to a fabulous term with your lovely children.


Mr Todd and Mrs Concannon.
