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Year 3

Bienvenue a Year 3

2024 -2025!

The Choices We Make

Terms 1 & 2  

Iron Man Sketches

We were inspired by our reading of the Iron Man story to sketch our own Iron Men which we displayed on contrasting colours to grab your attention. We hope you like them.

Geography - The City of Canterbury 

We took our clipboards and our maps of Canterbury from 1588 and 2024 and went to explore the surrounding wall which has remained very much the same for many centuries.

Times Table Rockstars


As a school, we are signed up to the wonderful online resource that is Times Table Rockstars.


It is a times tables game where the children can play a variety of challenges in order to improve their understanding of times tables. I can even set challenges!


This is a great resource to help with learning of times tables that are set for home learning each week.


The children have all been given their individual login details (recorded in their homework books) and were shown how to use the resource. They are already becoming quite competitive! A little bit as often as possible will make a huge difference! 


Just a reminder, details as follows:




Go to Login - School Pupils.


When School name box appears, type: CT1 1NE (St Thomas' Catholic Primary School Canterbury should appear).


Then enter unique individual username and password.


Enjoy and practice those times tables.

Mrs Brayshaw

Easter & Pentecost

Dig a Little Deeper!

Egyptian Day!

Today Year 3 had a fun packed day on their visit to the Beaney where they learnt even more about the Ancient Egyptian civilisation.  


Thank you for dressing up in all of your amazing costumes which many people commented upon. They were intrigued as to where you were going dressed up as Egyptians.  Well done!

RE Celebration - Easter & Pentecost

Year 3, enjoyed sharing with our special guests (parents & families) on Tuesday, 21st May an assembly to present all of their learning over the past term. The children have enjoyed learning more about these two important celebrations in the Catholic Church through ART, Diary Accounts, Role Play and singing!  Thank you to all those who were able to attend and share this celebration with us.

In our Science topic over the past few terms we have been learning about 'Light'. Here are some images of the exciting examples of lessens they have done to explore this topic further.

Science Day - Focus - Time!

The children had a great workshop where they were able to use role play to learn more about Mary Anning (the famous palaeontologist). As well as how fossilisation occurs. Here are some pictures of the day!

Scientific Observation - What do you notice about the shadow made by your Sun Dial over the course of the day?

Scientific Enquiry - How does reflection help us to use the mirror to guide us along a wiggly path?

Terms 3 & 4 

Epiphany and Lent

Role Play - The Last Supper

As part of our RE topic on 'The Holy Mass' some of the children role played the Last Supper. This helped us all to learn the significance of this important meal with Jesus and his disciples.

Book Day

In our Languages lesson, we looked at books in different languages, some of which have been donated by parents - thank you so much!

We each chose our favourite - some of us enjoyed reading in a home language and others took the opportunity to explore some more French, or something entirely new :)

During our topic this term on the SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION we have worked together to produce this collage portraying the parable of The Lost Sheep.

Some of our pupils also enjoyed acting out the parable too!

Some of our pupils worked together to write out steps to help everyone learn how to make a good confession. They also enjoyed making a confessional door to place their steps on. Great team work.


Music & Art Driver Subjects

Our Amazing self portraits

Some of our Picasso inspired portraits (using primary colours)

We have been learning how to add shading to our sketches of lips to make them appear more 3D!


The Choices We Make!

Michaelmas & Advent Terms

Design and Technology - Earthquake Resistant Structures

This term we have launched into our new Design and Technology topic about Earthquake Resistant Structures. In this session the pupils were exploring how to make a tall structure without it falling down. We have seen some great Engineers in the making! Don't forget to ask the children what their findings were.


Thank you to all those parents who attended our R.E celebration at the end of last term and for all your wonderful comments. Your children really love to share all their learning with you! 

Design and Technology 

Designing and Making a healthy Sandwich

Year 3 had great fun this first term researching the health benefits of different food groups which helped them to make informed choices about which ingredients they would choose for their healthy lunch time sandwich. Naturally along the way they learnt the important steps of ensuring where we are going to cook is clean and preparing food. As well as learning how to cut, grate and peel without loosing fingers!  They all looked delicious and not a crumb was left.

Researching different types of bread and fillings....

During this session the children were exploring the different varieties of bread available and some fillings which they may or may not have particularly enjoyed! Their views were carefully recorded and used later on to choose which filling they would prefer. 



Welcome to Year 3! We have lots of exciting ideas... and cannot wait to hear about yours!


A few things to highlight;

  • Break time snack is not provided by the government in KS2. Children can bring in a healthy snack to enjoy at break time, such as some fruit/cut up vegetables/raisins.
  • There are no universal school lunches in KS2. Unless your child is entitled to a Free School Meal, children wishing to have school lunches must pay for each lunch. (for more info please speak to the office.)
  • Please can children have their full, clearly named, PE kit in school at all times, including a pair of school tracksuit bottoms for the colder weather. (PE is on a Tuesday afternoon)
  • Homework will usually be set on Thursday for the following Wednesday. 
  • Children are always encouraged to read daily at home, preferably reading aloud to an adult who can discuss the text with them. Children who read at home regularly have been shown to make much more rapid progress. Reading is to be recorded in their homework diary please.
  • If you have any additional questions/ concerns please come and speak to me or send me a message.


God Bless,

Mrs Brayshaw
