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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

Michaelmas & Advent Terms 2024

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Year 2!  I am delighted to be working with your children as the Year 2 class teacher.  Thank you to those who have already introduced themselves. However, if we have not yet met, I look forward to meeting you soon at the Meet the Teacher session.  We are very fortunate that Mrs Concannon will be supporting your children this year as our classroom assistant.                     

          Mrs Breen and Mrs Concannon


A few things I would like to highlight;

  • Please ensure only essential equipment is brought into school, such as packed lunch, full water bottle, PE kit, reading record, reading book and homework.
  • PE this term will be on Fridays. Please can children have their full, clearly named, PE kit in school at all times, including socks for girls who normally wear tights as part of their school uniform. We would appreciate that earrings are removed for PE days.
  • Homework will usually be given out on Fridays and expected in the following Friday. Details of homework will be explained to the children and will be available for you to read on Teams in the Year 2 folder.  Each week children will receive a set of spellings to learn and a piece of written work or some maths calculations.
  • Please ensure children have their reading book and reading record in school on their designated reading day. Children are also encouraged to read daily at home, reading aloud to an adult who can discuss the text with them. Reading is to be recorded in their reading record please.
  • Reading records can also be used as contact books between home and school. If there is a message for school, please instruct your child to hand their reading record to myself.

Some Key Dates:

Monday 9th Sept. @ 3:20pm: Meet the Teacher in Yr 2 (parents welcome).           

Monday 21st Oct. @ 2:55pm: RE Celebration in Yr 2 (parents welcome).           

Thursday 14th November @ 9:00am: Class Assembly in hall (parents welcome).

Wednesday 23rd & Thursday 24th October: Parent Consultations.   

Thursday 24th October: Final Day of Term 1 for children.

Monday 4th November: Start of Term 2.

Thursday 19th December: Final Day of Term 2 for children.

Monday 6th January: Start of Term 3 for children.           

Academic Year 2023 to 2024

Terms 5 and 6

Computing: using the bee-bots to follow algorithms.

Monday 20th May: RE Celebration of Eastertide

Start of Holy Week

Jesus is crucified on Good Friday

Jesus Has Risen on Easter Sunday

Jesus Ascends back to Heaven

Disciples Receive the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

15th May: Class Mass with Canon Anthony. Saint Matthias

Terms 3 and 4

28.03.24. Celebration of our decorated Easter Bonnets and Easter Eggs.

19.03.24. Year 2 Visit Canterbury Library for Story Time with Sam.

18.03.24. Sharing our art and music learning with our families.

13.03.24. Our energetic Dance Workshop.

12.03.24. Canon Anthony Visits Year 2 to talk about Mass.

07.03.24. Year 2 Class Assembly

07.03.24. Celebrating World Book Day.

RE Celebration 5.2.24. The Good News of Christ.

Jesus Feeds 5000 People.

Jesus Heals The Paralysed Man.

Jesus Heals The Ten Men With Leprosy.


In music, in Term 3, we started looking at beat and rhythm by using our bodies as instruments.

Then we tried some chair drumming to follow the beat of a piece of music.

We moved on to using the djembe drums which he played using our hands.

Safer Internet Day 6.2.24.

This year Safer Internet Day was all about Inspiring Change: making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online.

In Year 2, we thought carefully about we each used the internet and created a pictogram to show what we like to do online.  Playing games was the most popular use of the internet but we also really liked listening to music and watching music videos.

We then looked at various scenarios where a change had occurred whilst someone had been online. This included where an unusual message had popped up on the screen, where an additional game had appeared on an App which we had not seen before, where the screen starting to ring indicating a phone call was now waiting to be answered.  

We expressed our feelings to each situation by drawing the emotion as an emoji: happy, sad, anxious, confused, worried, scared. 

We discussed each situation. 

We all agreed that we had to tell a trusted adult if anything new appeared online.

Terms 1 and 2

15.12.23. Father Christmas joins Year 2.

11th/14th December:  Whole School Nativity

Year 2 performed the scene 'No Room At The Inn' for the school nativity production.

Our School Christmas Lunch 13.12.23.

Anti-bullying Week: Make a Noise About Bullying. 13th to 17th November 2023.

Remembrance Day 11.11.23. We created a class poppy wreath to help us remember those who suffered from any of the wars.

Thursday 12th October: RE Celebration of God's Chosen People

Abraham and Sarah


Daniel in the Lion's Den

Design Technology

In DT, Term 2, we designed and made hand puppets with a little bit of help from our parents.

In DT, Term 2, we designed and made vehicles with movable axles and wheels

In DT, Term 1, we made and tasted traditional foods and drinks enjoyed in England and India.

We enjoyed strawberry and banana smoothie often drunk in England.

We enjoyed mango lassi, a traditional drink from India.

In Geography, we looked at England and India, working out what was the same and what was different about the physical and human aspects of the two countries. 

We created a class map of India to show some of the main features that we learnt about.

We really enjoyed learning about the art forms for which India is famous.

In science we have been investigation the uses of everyday materials.

We tried to find out: What material makes the bounciest ball?

In maths we have been partitioning our numbers using Part-Whole Models.
