Michaelmas & Advent Terms 2024
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Year 2! I am delighted to be working with your children as the Year 2 class teacher. Thank you to those who have already introduced themselves. However, if we have not yet met, I look forward to meeting you soon at the Meet the Teacher session. We are very fortunate that Mrs Concannon will be supporting your children this year as our classroom assistant. |
Mrs Breen and Mrs Concannon
A few things I would like to highlight;
Some Key Dates:
Monday 9th Sept. @ 3:20pm: Meet the Teacher in Yr 2 (parents welcome).
Monday 21st Oct. @ 2:55pm: RE Celebration in Yr 2 (parents welcome).
Thursday 14th November @ 9:00am: Class Assembly in hall (parents welcome).
Wednesday 23rd & Thursday 24th October: Parent Consultations.
Thursday 24th October: Final Day of Term 1 for children.
Monday 4th November: Start of Term 2.
Thursday 19th December: Final Day of Term 2 for children.
Monday 6th January: Start of Term 3 for children.
Academic Year 2023 to 2024
This year Safer Internet Day was all about Inspiring Change: making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online.
In Year 2, we thought carefully about we each used the internet and created a pictogram to show what we like to do online. Playing games was the most popular use of the internet but we also really liked listening to music and watching music videos.
We then looked at various scenarios where a change had occurred whilst someone had been online. This included where an unusual message had popped up on the screen, where an additional game had appeared on an App which we had not seen before, where the screen starting to ring indicating a phone call was now waiting to be answered.
We expressed our feelings to each situation by drawing the emotion as an emoji: happy, sad, anxious, confused, worried, scared.
We discussed each situation.
We all agreed that we had to tell a trusted adult if anything new appeared online.
Year 2 performed the scene 'No Room At The Inn' for the school nativity production.