We were thrilled to share all that we had learned in our RE topic of Resurrection with our parents.
Fr. Giovanni came to celebrate Mass with us all
Welcome to Discover Term. Please find below our newsletter which contains lots of helpful information.
We welcome the King.
We welcome the King.
We made posters in RE welcoming Jesus in to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
We performed our EYFS and KS1 Palm Sunday Assembly to the rest of the school. Year 1 acted out Jesus' arrival into Jerusalem and retold the story of the Good Samaritan.
Safer Internet Day February 2024
We read the book “Digiduck’s Decision”.
It was a story about how Digiduck saw an unkind picture of his friend while playing an online game and had to decide what to do. We talked about what Digiduck should do and how we should be kind to each other.
We though he should tell his parents about it so it could be reported.
How we keep safe online
* We know that we must ask an adult before going online.
* We know that if we see something we do not like, we tell our parents.
* We will only play games that are suitable for our age.
Welcome to Create Term. Please find below our newsletter where you will find out what we are learning about.
For our part in the whole school nativity, we re-told the journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem
We created moving trail pictures combining our DT and geography learning
Our first Year 1 class assembly
Our first topic of year 1 looks at all of the wonderful places that are near to us as well as thinking about what we like and dislike about living in Canterbury.