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Proposed Building Expansion on the site of St Thomas' Catholic Primary School

Dear Parents, local residents and stakeholders,


RE: Proposed building expansion to the main school building


Parents, local residents and stakeholders are invited to attend a presentation afternoon on Thursday 26th March between 3pm and 5.30pm in the school hall regarding a proposed building expansion to the main school building.


It is our intention to build above the 1970s single-storey extension to the main building, providing much needed classroom and resource space. Currently our Year 6 class is taught in a post-war temporary structure. This has been on site for 40+ years and is no longer fit-for-purpose.


Our plans have recently been submitted to both Kent County Council and Canterbury City Council as a pre-application. Feedback is expected imminently.


Before we enter a full application, we would like to present our plans to parents, local residents and interested stakeholders, to gain their thoughts and opinions.


Working very closely with the architects, we believe the plans are sympathetic to the local area, taking into account the historical importance and that our site is located within a conservation area.


Throughout the afternoon, as well as myself, Mr Devine (Finance and Personnel Manager) and Mr Croft (Architect and Partner of calfordseaden LLP) will be on hand to talk you through the plans and answer any questions you might have. Entry will be via Old Ruttington Lane only. The playground will be open for parking.


It is important to say at this stage, any building works are subject to funding being approved.


Yours sincerely,


Miss L D’Agostini

