As mentioned in the Headteacher Newsletter sent out yesterday afternoon, we are currently reviewing our Breakfast Club and Home School Transport Service. We are keen to get these both operating again as soon as possible, taking into account changes related to Covid-19. We do not have start dates as of yet. Further information will be supplied once we have ascertained demand.
If you are interested in our Breakfast Club, please email the school office with the days you'd be interested in subscribing to. Last year the entry times were 7.30am and 8.00am. These may be subject to change once the review has been completed.
In addition, we also have spaces available on both routes on our Home School Transport Service. Please contact the school office ASAP if you would like a space. The routes are currently (other roads within these areas may be considered):
London Road Estate/Rough Common - Priest Avenue, Wife of Bath Hill, Squire Avenue and Rough Common Village Hall
Spring Lane - Cumberland Avenue, Hampshire Road and Russet Road.
We understand at the moment, both of these services may help to alleviate congestion on Old Ruttington Lane in the mornings and afternoons, therefore we hope to get them operating as soon as it is safe and practically possible to do so.
Thank you for your patience.