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Poetry at St. Thomas'

"Good poems use language in ways that are fresh and help us see the world with new eyes. Pupils who read and write poems become skilled in using language carefully, in playing with syntax and structure for the best effect; in weighing each word, attending to the smallest detail, hearing the rhythms and cadences of spoken language. They may gain an understanding of the way words can carry complex and subtle meanings and experience the exhilaration and pleasure there is in stitching words together. The language skills they learn will benefit them in all areas of the curriculum and beyond."                      The Poetry Trust


Although we have a separate scheme of work, poetry is very much part of the writing process.



We want our writers' to be  able to play with words, choose exciting and descriptive vocabulary and manipulate their ideas confidently and with enjoyment and success. We believe that poetry, particularly a diverse range of poetry and poets; that also reflects our school community, is an excellent medium for developing this in our young people. 



Each term, our children explore one part of poetry, this includes, famous poets (contemporary and classic), figurative language and styles of poetry. Children learn about the poems, poets and the writing tools they need to be successful poets themselves. Sometimes they write poems, sometimes they study poems and their structures, sometimes they perform and learn poems by heart.

All our poems and poetry skills are taught in a progressive way which makes links to learning in other areas; for example, the works of Benjamin Zephaniah allow children to tackle issues related to migration and what it means to be British, which is explored the following year in history. Children learn various aspects of figurative language across the year groups and this is then applied in narrative and other styles of writing. The work of an Indian poet is studied when children study that continent in Geography and so on.



Michaelmas and Advent: Explore

Epiphany and Lent: Create


Imagery- toolkit.   Poetic Styles.    

Poetry by Heart.    Poets.

Poetic Terms.    Classic Poems


Nursery Rhymes,  finger rhymes, Action songs, Songs and hearing poetry and texts with rhyme e.g. Kes Gray, Bill Martin, Jez Alborough, Giles Andrae, Lynley Dodd, Dr. Seuss, Julia Donaldson etc.


See above (Rhythm and Rhyme)

The North Wind Doth Blow

There was a little Girl By W.W Longfellow

Y 1

Adjectives-The five senses

Class poems / poems on a theme.

Pirate Pete by James Carter.     


Colour by Christina Rossetti.


Y 2

Onomatopoeia and Alliteration.

Acrostic Poems.

The Owl and the pussycat by Edward Lear.

Spike Milligan. (Milliganimals).

At the Zoo by William Makepeace Thackery

Chorus and Verse

Y 3

Hyperbole and Similes.

Shape poems.

From a railway carriage by Robert Louis Stevenson

Ahlan Ahlberg (e.g. Please Mrs Butler)

Matilda by Hilaire Belloc.


Y 4

Smiles and Metaphor


The Spider and the Fly by Mary Howitt

Pie Corbett (NOT Concrete Jungle)

Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll.

Haiku, (could also look at Tanka or Tetracyts)

Y 5

Metaphor and personification

Free Verse

The Listeners by Walter De La Mare

Benjamin Zephaniah


Kennings, Cinquain

Y 6

Revision of figurative language.


Remembrance WW1 poetry

The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes.

The Lady of Shallot by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.


Convergence of the Twain by Thomas Hardy.

Shakespearean sonnets / Stanza’s


The impact of our writing curriculum means that children can write well-structured pieces of poetry and texts across a range of genres. Pupils will write grammatically sound pieces of writing and have the ability to edit and improve their work. They will understand the features of different poems and poetry styles and develop specific and technical vocabulary for both. Children will use their experiences of reading and apply this knowledge in their own writing. Our pupils are ready for the next stage of their writing journey.
