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Letter from the Headteacher

Dear Parents,


Red Nose Day

Thank you to everyone who helped support this year’s campaign. The non-uniform day and “Come to Tea” organised by the PTFA raised £295.60.


DT Day - Wednesday 25th March

Next Wednesday is DT Day and all pupils will be involved in planning, designing and making products. Parents are invited to come into the school hall from 2.30 pm to see the children’s work. The playground will be open for parking. Representatives from each class will be in the hall to talk to you about their learning. We look forward to seeing you.



There will be an Easter egg hunt for the younger year groups on the final day of term after ‘The Way of the Cross’ assembly. The PTFA will be leading an assembly in the afternoon followed by “Come to Tea”.


Term 4

Children will return to school on Monday 20th April. A reminder that school begins at 8.45am, with the gate on Old Ruttington Lane closing at 8.55am. Thank you to parents for your cooperation and support in having you children in school at the correct time.



We are continuing to develop the new school website. Please check on a regular basis for new material including an up-to-date calendar of events. Feedback is welcome via the ‘contact us’ online form.


Yours sincerely,


Miss L D’Agostini

